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René Kasperek

XR Software Developer | User Experience Architect

I’m René, a dedicated software engineer specializing in XR technology. With a proven track record in creating immersive educational experiences, I’m excited to delve into integrating XR with cutting-edge applications in AI, Web3, and music technology.


With a dedicated career spanning 6 years, I have immersed myself in the dynamic intersection of XR (Extended Reality) and software development, specializing in crafting sophisticated platforms tailored for user-generated educational experiences. My journey began with a fervent passion for leveraging immersive technologies to redefine learning paradigms, a passion that continues to propel my professional trajectory.

Throughout my career, I have amassed extensive expertise in Unity and Flutter, empowering me to architect and deploy robust XR applications that enrich educational environments. My proficiency extends to integrating cloud solutions like Firebase and AWS, essential for scaling and securing user-generated content in XR settings. While I continue to deepen my knowledge in Kubernetes scale deployments and backend optimizations, my commitment to innovation remains unwavering.

A pivotal achievement of mine includes spearheading the development of a comprehensive XR educational platform. This endeavor not only showcased my technical acumen in UI/UX design and backend architecture but also underscored my ability to collaborate across disciplines for impactful solutions. I take pride in driving projects from conception to execution, ensuring seamless user experiences and measurable educational outcomes.

Looking forward, my career aspirations are anchored in pioneering advancements at the nexus of AI, large language models, and Web3 technologies within XR. I am eager to explore how these innovations can further enhance interactive learning experiences and democratize access to educational content globally. Additionally, my renewed enthusiasm for music production and sound design fuels my creative endeavors, inspiring new ideas that bridge artistic expression with technological innovation.

As I embark on this exciting phase of my career, I am actively seeking opportunities to collaborate with visionary teams and organizations committed to pushing the boundaries of XR technology in education. Let’s connect and explore how we can shape the future of immersive learning together.

You can read more about what Experience Architects do here.

Let's work together!


We take your idea and create a beautiful & simplistic app design - the perfect user experience


Once the layout is great, we develop some interactions - your software from front-end to back-end.


Finally, we bring your application to where your customers are - from online to app stores


As creative Software Engineer and Experience Architect for Mixed Reality, I can make use of a variety of tech:
My development platforms

#Android #iOS #Flutter #MetaQuest #HTCVive #PicoInteractive #HoloLens #NrealLight #XR #VR #AR #ARKit #ARCore  #HubsCloud #WebXR #Unity #UnrealEngine #AWS #Firebase

My favourite creator tools

#Unity #Blender3D #LensStudio #VisualStudioCode #Github #MozillaSpoke #AdobeCreativeSuite #Insta360 #UnrealEngine #AffinityDesigner #Cubase #OctaneRender

My programming skills

C#, Dart, Python

My general interest

#EdTech #MixedReality  #Metaverse #NFTs #Blockchain #SocialVR